Tuesday 10 January 2012

Planes, Trains & Autobuses

Up early for a fun day of travelling. It started with a walk to the station, then a train to the airport, a flight to Malaga, a bus to Marbella, a bus to Algeciras, and finally yet another bus to Tarifa. Needless to say we were a little tired upon arrival in the small town.

So much travelling between farms is far from ideal. However, we didn't have much choice due to our unexpected departure from our previous hosts. It's easy to see now how unprepared we had been and how much better it is to have alternative places and people already contacted.

Our host had told us to call him when we arrived in Tarifa. He wasn't answering his phone. I got in touch with a girl who worked on the farm who gave us some convoluted directions. We decided instead to rest for a while in a nearby café.

Mark produced a box of cigars from his bag and so we sat and smoked and watched the surfers and locals drifting around in the hot mid-afternoon sun. The situation felt pleasantly absurd.

A long while later, we reached our new host who collected us soon after. It turned out he had been in town all day but had forgotten his phone. In terms of organisation, another discouraging first impression.

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