Monday 30 January 2012

Tourists in Tarifa

Thanks to Julius and Katja, I have a few delightful pictures to share. I've added some to previous posts Amongst Olives, Animal Bullies and Rockface.

We're now having a little break in Tarifa, staying in a beautiful Moroccan-style apartment. Buzzel's finca had its wonders - like the outdoor bathroom where you could gaze across to Africa - but this place is a welcome spell of hot-water, flushing-toilet luxury. It's also great to have some other (relatively) sane people to talk to.

Tarifa is a pleasant little town clearly focussed on being a wind and kite-surfing hotspot. Its other tourist attractions are clean sandy beaches, whale-watching tours, and the ferry to Tangier. The ferry crosses a time zone so, as it only takes an hour, you arrive in Morocco at the same time you left Spain.

The town's other claim to fame is supposedly being Europe's most southern point. Strolling along the seafront we came across a narrow land-bridge leading to Isla de Tarifa. Despite the tiny island being off-limits, the bridge is worth wandering along. As you walk south, you have the Mediterranean Sea on your left and the Atlantic Ocean on your right. You are between the Pillars of Hercules!

There was a striking difference between the two seas. The Med seemed calm and inviting, the Atlantic ferocious and formidable. Wind-surfers were sailing out into the Med's waters while kite-surfers flew all over the place in the Atlantic, seemingly at the mercy of the capricious Levante wind and the thrashing crush of the cold waves. I could taste the sea salt on my lips as I watched them, a touch baffled.

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