Monday 30 January 2012


Playa de los Lances is a satisfying beach. At the eastern end there is one of those outdoor gym areas which seem to be everywhere in Spain. Basic metal exercise frames painted in bright primary colours which spin or pivot. I think they're designed more for old people than anyone else.

Walking along the water's edge I lose myself in the retreating waves around my feet and the amazing shadows underneath. Amazing visuals as the sunlight reaches the ground, moving through the ripples and bubbles of the sea onto the miniature landscape of the sand beneath. Like cells through a microscope.

An old man came wandering along. He was clutching his cane behind his back, leaning forward with every step. He reminded me of that old man on the mountain in Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. I had to nod to him as we passed. He placidly returned the gesture, but didn't show me a safe path up through the mountains.

Last night the four of us found a bench overlooking the Strait and the lights of Tangier in the distance. Darkness had fallen but there were still a handful of men fishing from the shore. We had a little wine and cheese as we watched the ferry coming in. "Glug, glug, glug. Die Piraten saufen wieder..."

If you're not into (or can't afford) wind/kite-surfing then prepare for a quiet time of it in Tarifa.

Here you can see Morocco. And a kitten.

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